Keynote & Conference Workshops
Companies, associations, trade groups, event planners, and conference planners all know the value of having an engaging, “on the mark” speaker add to the value of their event. These engaging and uniquely positioned presentations are designed for corporate or business audiences.
The New Brand: You!
Is the ability to wield influence at work all about the title you hold or how high you report in your organization? Probably not. There are five kinds of personal power and there are things beyond title and reporting relationship that control your influence and authority in your organization. Most of us underutilize the power pathways that are available to us. This session focuses on both informal and formal power pathways and leads the participant to new ways of managing themselves and their personal impression to create the powerful, credible image that enhances career prospects and future success.
Smart, But…
In today’s workplace, personal marketing strategies are crucial to long term success. How you articulate your value proposition to the organization can make or break your career possibilities.
Success is more than working hard and being smart. Learn the difference between initial success and continuing success and what “Smart” has to do with it all anyway.
Showing Up
Showing up refers in part to your personal presence. It is a reflection of how one shows up in the workplace, online and in person. When combined with your unique brand positioning.
Great Careers Don’t Just Happen
Great careers don’t just happen. Great careers require much more than hard work and time to develop. Understand how careers are really built and how one can build a stronger, more distinguished career by utilizing the 4 kinds of career capital.
This program helps executives move from junior to mid-manager to senior and to take control of the process. Learn how both internal and external coaching resources can catalyze career growth. Using brainstorming and action planning, participants will create some pragmatic solutions to take back to their organizations. Participants will learn tools to both clarify their own career strategy as well as create organizational solutions to help others.
Interested in having Innis Company at your next event?
A truly engaging presentation is the key to a successful event; and the Innis Company has designed a number of presentations that are both informative and entertaining for corporate audiences.