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How People Succeed
A Personal Story There was a time when I was penniless. . . a student working on my Master’s Degree. I had won a research assistantship. Since I was poor, I jumped at this chance to work and be the “gopher” graduate assistant for a professor about seven years into his tenure. He was a […]
One More Hill to Climb
I’ve got another hill to climb. Just when I thought I’d slogged through my last swamp, belly crawled the final pit of fire and reached the mountaintop, I’ve now learned I have another hill to climb. A lifetime of success, a great salary, a “C” suite title… all happening at one time… for one person. […]
Are You the Oldest in the Room…Even When You Aren’t?
Oh sure…you work out…sometimes. You have some hip, casual, yet cool, work clothes. A new squirt of Botox® in that forehead, but you still have that nagging, back of the brain feeling that you are being viewed as the “oldest in the room,” not relevant, past your prime. Yes, you can be seen as the […]