News in Category: Personal Branding

Are You the Oldest in the Room…Even When You Aren’t?
By Karyl Innis

Are You the Oldest in the Room…Even When You Aren’t?

Oh sure…you work out…sometimes. You have some hip, casual, yet cool, work clothes. A new squirt of Botox® in that forehead, but you still have that nagging, back of the brain feeling that you are being viewed as the “oldest in the room,” not relevant, past your prime. Yes, you can be seen as the […]

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You Are Very Well Known
By Karyl Innis

You Are Very Well Known

Oprah Winfrey has a personal brand. She has a lot of other stuff too—television networks, property, copyrights, licenses and that very valuable personal brand of hers.

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Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo and A Personal Brand too!
By Karyl Innis

Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo and A Personal Brand too!

I talk with thousands of people each year about their personal brands. Some weeks, the brand discussions are with 100’s of people in large conferences, other weeks it’s with smaller groups in workshops and sometimes its mano a mano — one on one coaching with a single client. Regardless of the size or make up of the group, one question always pops up. That question? “Why do I have to have a ‘brand’?” Sometimes that question is followed up with a huffy mutter… “I’ve done fine without it all these years why do I have to think about this now.”

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