News in Category: Career Transition & Outplacement

Finding The Exit

Finding The Exit

You’ve had it! You’re not going to take it one more day! Tomorrow you’re going to walk into the “Corner Office” and say “I quit!”
True… you don’t have another job yet: but, that really won’t be much of a problem….the job market is improving after all. And, compared to the satisfaction of walking out of there… well, you just want to get out!

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Following Your Passion is the Key to Your Second Act
By Karyl Innis

Following Your Passion is the Key to Your Second Act

Following your passion in your work is what makes us happy. Business coach Steve Straus says “Moving toward something is healthier than moving away from it. But being pulled by something is healthier yet. Passion pulls. Discovering your passion is a nice approach (to what’s next after retirement from your first career).” If you strike it rich by hitting on your passion, you strike gold!

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5 Things You Should Know Before Announcing Your Retirement
By Karyl Innis

5 Things You Should Know Before Announcing Your Retirement

Congratulations! You are hot! Yes…you! As a woman in your prime, you just made history. You are the hottest demographic in the labor market today.
Women…okay…men, too are working well past historical retirement ages. Many are working deep into their 70s and 80s. Men and women 65-74 years old are expected to be as much as 32% of the workforce by the year 2022. 11% of the workforce could be over 75 in that same year.

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